March 1, 2022

Pavement Maintenance

PaveConnect Can Help You Put a Maintenance Plan Together for Your Parking Lot!  Starting the day your brand-new parking lot is completed, it slowly begins to deteriorate, but that can be combated with routine preventative maintenance. To better understand what kind of maintenance your parking lot needs, you first will need to know its condition. […]

Pavement Maintenance Read More »

PaveConnect Can Help You Put a Maintenance Plan Together for Your Parking Lot!  Starting the day your brand-new parking lot is completed, it slowly begins to deteriorate, but that can be combated with routine preventative maintenance. To better understand what kind of maintenance your parking lot needs, you first will need to know its condition.

The Importance of Parking Lot Drainage

Watch for the signs of damage from poor parking lot drainage! In most new parking lots, you expect to find that rich, black asphalt with bright, freshly painted lines, but often, one aspect of a parking lot is overlooked: drainage. Perhaps the most important aspect regarding the longevity of your parking lot, drainage will determine

The Importance of Parking Lot Drainage Read More »

Watch for the signs of damage from poor parking lot drainage! In most new parking lots, you expect to find that rich, black asphalt with bright, freshly painted lines, but often, one aspect of a parking lot is overlooked: drainage. Perhaps the most important aspect regarding the longevity of your parking lot, drainage will determine